Thursday, 17 March 2011


Welcome to the Australian Kettlebell Club blog!

Given that this is the first post, perhaps a loose mission statement is the best way to enter in to the vast world of blogging.

We hope to use this blog as a means to better connect, inform, and interact with each other through the sharing of news and updates within the organisation (competition results, GS related events, achievements, adventures in the world of GS, etc), training information, inspiration from those beginning their lifting as well as those who are more advanced, our goals, our ideas, and anything else that will assist in building a strong, vibrant, informed community of likeminded lifters all throughout Australia.

Girevoy (Kettlebell) sport is very much still in its infancy in Australia, and if we are dedicated to seeing it grow and evolve in a positive way, open communication and a forum to share and develop ideas with each other is a perfect way to start. After all, no man (or woman) is an island. Additionally, the blog medium may open doors leading into the larger world of Kettlebell sport through linking us to other lifters across the globe willing to share their knowledge and experience with the lifting community (and despite distance, we are a community).

As we are the Australian branch of the WKC (World Kettlebell Club), under the guidance of Honored Master of Sport, Valery Fedorenko, we are fortunate enough to have access and an association to such lifters as Ivan Denisov (Russia), Catherine Imes (USA), the Ice Chamber girls (USA), Fedor Fuglev (Ukraine), amongst many other incredible lifters at all levels from all walks of life. Not only does this equate to an invaluable wealth of information, ideally this information and a sense of unity will prove an endless source of inspiration for those of us willing to apply ourselves to our goals and the work that is required to reach them.

All of the above people, with their incredible abilities and equally incredible achievements, started at the very same level as the rest of us. Our paths may seem different at many points, we may even feel that we start and end at completely different points, but ultimately we all start at the same place, and through many years of dedication, determination, focus, an attention to the recurring fundamentals of lifting, all of us will reach our own ultimate destination. Inspiration comes in many forms, so it is hoped that we can all find some through each other.

All that being said, now this is up and running, on this blog you will be able to find…

  • Information about the club and those associated with it (in the larger WKC), their stories, their achievements, their knowledge, etc
  • Interviews and profiles with those who are just starting out in the sport and those who are pushing to see it grow through furthering their own achievements
  • Videos, pictures, competition results, training logs, individual milestones in lifting…
  • Links to information, interviews, websites relating to all things GS and more!

So, given that this is to be an open forum, if there is something you would like to share with all of us such as videos of your own lifting, personal accounts of how you found the sport, why you lift, what you hope to achieve, links to websites, ideas, etc please don’t hesitate to pass anything on and we can then include it on the blog (email to

It has been said that real communication can only occur between equals, and when we see that we are all immersed in the same passion for this sport, that we all have our highs and lows, that we all face the same difficulties, we can then hope to work with each other to see that we all get to where we would like to be.

Stay healthy, strong, and determined.

The Australian Kettlebell Club

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