Friday, 18 March 2011

Saturday Morning Kettlebell Training

The Saturday morning session in full swing
The Australian Kettlebell Club has been running Saturday morning coaching sessions for about two months now.

Our training is a mixture of the WKC's Elite Fitness Protocol and more specific kettlebell sport training for those who want to rank and compete.

We have a good core group of people who come regularly, and as a result their technique and work capacity for this sort of lifting has improved dramatically over just a handful of sessions.

It's great having a group of people to train with (and chat with between sets) - it makes dragging your butt out of bed on a Saturday morning for training much easier. 

Tia's 10kg snatch set
Several of our trainees will be representing the Australian Kettlebell Club at the next GSAA Meet on Saturday the 3rd April. 

Tia, who will be competing for the first time in April, has been dominating the 8kg and did her first 10 min set of jerks, and 6 min set of snatches with 10kg this morning.  Nice work, Tia!  

Our training sessions are at 10am every Saturday morning and anyone is welcome to join in.  The first session is free and subsequent sessions are $10.  For more information email

Stay tuned for some training videos and more progress reports...


  1. The Saturday morning session in full swing
    The Australian Kettlebell Club has been running Saturday morning coaching sessions for about two months now. kettlebell workshop

  2. The community that lives together, learns together."
