Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Profile: Giorgio Rojas

Giorgio is a quiet achiever in the kettlebell sport scene in Australia - he keeps to himself so not many people realise that he is up there among the best male lifters in the country. Giorgio is professional percussionist, making a living playing in Latin, funk and jazz bands. He is also an accomplished martial artist with a purple belt in BJJ. The videos of Giorgio are quite old (his humbleness means it's hard to find lifting footage of him) and his form has improved even more since then (it's still pretty damn good in these videos).

How did you first find out about kettlebell sport?

My brother was trying to get me strong for Brazilian JiuJitsu and found kettlebell training on the internet. I could not find anything that would get me strong and fit specially that i have scoliosis and a bone missing in my lower back. So i tried kettlebell and then found kettlebell sport and i can't look back.

How long have you been doing kettlebell sport?

I have been training Ketllebell Sport about 3 years.

What are your personal bests?

My personal best is hard to say cause Im improving all the time but there are some high lights in my training. For example jerking a 48kg kettlebell for reps, then jerking a 40kg for time and reps. Doing a 10 min set with a 32kg for the first time. I don't have a personal best just high lights for me.

What does a typical day of training look like for you and how often do you train?

A use to train 6 days per week some times twice a day. Now i only train 4 to 5 per week, once a day. I always had to train really hard, provably harder then a lot of people cause i have to work hard on technique, because i don't have a good back like a lot of people.
One session would look like:
Joint Mobility, worm up, 24kg, 32kg oaswings, 2 sets 10 reps, 24kg, 32kg jerks 2 sets 10 reps.
2 24kgs, jerks, 5 min 8rpm,
32kg OAjerks 10min 8 rpm.
40kg OAjerks 2min 12 rpm.
Finish with a circuit, squats 60kg 5 reps, chin ups 32kg strapped 3reps, back extentions 15reps. 3 sets of this.

Do you do any other sports and how does kettlebell sport training fit in?

I also do Brazilian JiuJitsu, i started bjj before kettlebell sport. Kettlebell sport has taken my strength and endurance to the next level and thats what you need fro a contact sport. Good for grip training and explosive when you need to be. It also keeps my joints strong.

What do you do for recovery?

Its hard for me to get good recovery cause im full time musician and also doing BJJ some times the same day so one day maybe i will get a recovery day. Can't wait, sounds nice.

What do you like about this sport?

The thing that i love the most about kettleblel sport is that is the best for scoliosis and joint problems. I always think of kettelbell sport us my drugs for back pain and joint pain. Its helping me with my scoliosis and every other BJJ injury. If you think about it like i can do these many reps and how strong you are then good luck to you cause you are provably doing it wrong like a lot of trainers and lifters everywhere. If you get to know your body properly then you can train people and the only way of doing that is by being patient and always think about the lift and how your body feels.

Who are your influences/inspiration for lifting?

My influences are, Emily friedel, Valery Federenko, fedor fuglev, ivan denisov, denis vasiliv, to name a few but i have to many. I like the people that really focus on good technique not just numbers. And have no EGO.

What advice would you give to those starting out?

Advice for people starting, i can only say technique %100 and NO EGO. Numbers will come in time, your body is more important then numbers. Get to know your body %100. Don't burn out to quick kettlebell sport is a long term sport not a joke. It can help you in every way possible.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Train harder than your self, have patience, keep learning, NO EGO, keep humble about your training no need to brag.
God Bless.

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